

Core Temp makes it easy for you to monitor the temperature of any modern x86 based processor. The program supports processors from all three major manufacturers; Intel, AMD and VIA.

Intel processors starting with the "Core" series all the way up to the newest Core i7, including all the derivatives.
AMD processors starting with the first Athlon64 and Opteron processor series, all Phenom and AMD's new APU are supported.
VIA processors starting with the C7 generation of CPUs, including all the derivatives based on the C7 architecture. All of the Nano based processors are supported as well.

The temperature readings are very accurate as the data is collected directly from a Digital Thermal Sensor (or DTS) which is located in each individual processing core*, near the hottest part. This sensor is digital, which means it doesn't rely on an external circuit located on the motherboard to report temperature, its value is stored in a special register in the processor so that software can access and read it. This eliminates any inaccuracies that can be introduced by external motherboard circuits and sensors.

Core Temp使您可以轻松监控任何基于x86的现代处理器的温度。该程序支持所有三个主要制造商的处理器;英特尔,AMD和威盛。英特尔处理器从“酷睿”系列一直到最新的酷睿i7,包括所有的衍生产品。AMD处理器,从第一个Athlon64和Opteron处理器系列开始,所有飞鸿和AMD的新APU都支持。从C7代cpu开始的VIA处理器,包括基于C7架构的所有衍生产品。

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