中国青年报客户端北京1月22日电(中青报·中青网记者 赵安琪)针对美国总统特朗普1月21日扬言要对从中国进口商品加征关税一事,中国外交部发言人毛宁今天下午在例行记者会上表示,贸易战、关税战没有赢家,中方始终坚定维护国家利益。 外交部发言人毛宁。图片来自外交部   记者会上,有记者继续提问:请问中美双方是否已经或正在就关税问题沟通?   对此,毛宁表示,中方愿意同美方保持沟通,妥善处理分歧,拓展互利合作,推动中美关系稳定、健康、可持续的发展。   据美媒报道,1月21日,特朗普在白宫誓言要对欧盟征收关税,并称正在考虑自2月1日起对从中国进口的商品加征10%的关税,对墨西哥和加拿大征收25%的关税。
ContentNotifier is the successor of jContentStatus (1.5 plugin) (thanx Josh Prakash for the idea !) Plugin to display New and Updated gif files from anywhere in a content or automaticly at the beginning of the article.
This module displays a dropdown list with the last modification date on as dropdown text. Upon selection, the article is retrieved. The list is sorted on modification date from recent to older. Optional modification date can be shown before or after the...
This a Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.x and 4.0native system plugin allow to search and replace any content present in a page.
XTypo is a Joomla plugin that provides additional functionality to your Joomla Editor field (either Tiny MCE or JCE). With XTypo, you can add a collection of stylish, ready-to-use HTML snippets to enrich and enhance the appearance of your articles.
Floating Buttons is a simple module allows you to easily create Material Design inspired Floating Action Buttons that floats above the UI
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